
collaboration with letterpress 77

We had a fun collaboration event at our Tokyo store last Monday.
The guest speaker was Mr.Kiyo Matsumoto, an owner of
letterpress 77, and he owns his studio in Dusseldorf, Germany.

Kiyo(right) and our boss, Masaki(left)

As you can imagine from the company name, Kiyo is an expert of letterpress,
at the same time, he is also a designer of his letterpressed items
such as calling cards, greeting cards and wedding invitations.

About 20 participants who are working as designers, printers, and retailers enjoyed his talk, and exchanged the design trends between Japan and Germany.

This is our collaboration card with letterpress 77.
Kiyo designed these adorable designs for us,
and we made the cards. Which is your favorite card?
For me, since they are all cute, it's hard to choose one! :)

You can check his lovely studio and designs

Have a lovely weekend!


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